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Claire Shine Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) is a specific 'massage' technique, aimed at releasing restrictions in the fascia. It is a safe and highly effective technique, which has multiple benefits on top of pain reduction, restoring range of movement, improving posture and promoting healing.

MFR helps restore balance to your body on all levels - physically, physiologically and emotionally.

Fascia is a type of connective tissue which surrounds every structure within our bodies - skin, muscles, nerves, organs, etc.

A great way to understand how fascia exists and functions in the body, is to look at an orange. The skin of the orange represents our skin – on the under surface of the skin of the orange is a layer of white pith – this is like the superficial fascia that lies beneath our skin.

Each segment of orange is individually wrapped, just like our muscles are wrapped by fascia. When you break the orange segment open, you see each piece of orange flesh is held together by a thin casing – this is like each individual muscle fibre with a thin fascial casing.

Within the orange flesh are droplets of juice – each drop being contained by tissue – just like every microscopic cell in our bodies is surrounded by a wall of fascia.